The Simplest Thing You Can Do Right Now - To See Better Results In Your Body Shape

/Blogs/The Simplest Thing You Can Do Right Now - To See Better Results In Your Body Shape

What happens to us men over 30?

We have all the time in the world in our 20’s  – we play sports, we socialize, we have time for the gym. 

Then all of a sudden your work hours have doubled, your responsibilities have tripled and before you know it days, weeks and months have passed. 

The pros to this are that your career and financial situation improve. A necessity.

The Negatives are your body and your energy decline. 

Before too long, that horrible feeling of your belly pushing over the top of your trousers is all too familiar.

You know what to do, you just haven’t got the time to do.

You want quick action and quick results. So that you can trim the gut and look lean again. You know that when you look good, you feel good. 

So here’s an incredibly simple tip to start turning your body shape back into what looks like the 20-year-old you. 

Tip: Ask Yourself Better Questions.

What does this mean?

What are you going to eat tomorrow?

The simplest of questions can prompt 

a) better behaviours  b) better results 

Most guys walk into day to day waiting to see what happens.

Then they either:  

Work for hours then all of a sudden realize they are hungry  – then in a hunger crazed state – overeat. 


They graze on poor snacks all day with the odd tasteless, overpriced sandwich thrown in.

Ask yourself now – what will you eat tomorrow or even tonight?

Preparing food the night before isn’t something people just starting out will have the headspace or energy for. 

So eating on the go is fine, (something we encourage our clients to begin with) –  providing you know how to make good decisions.

Think about what shops, cafes are around you?

What options are there?

What’s the best decision you could make? 

Can you put into MyFitnessPal to find out what the calorie and macro content is?

These questions give you a better plan. 

Rule number 1 is don’t go hungry – once hunger kicks in you will never win, and your waistline and body shape definitely loses. 

So start today, ask yourself better questions to get better results in how your body looks

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